SPOTTED: Trump (JoGo, Emma Watson) vs. Khabouth (Ewan McGregor, KStew) edition

SPOTTED: Trump (JoGo, Emma Watson) vs. Khabouth (Ewan McGregor, KStew) edition

Festival favourites continued to make their way to the Trump Tower over the last few days. Looper’s Joseph Gordon-Levitt and The Perks of Being a Wallflower star Emma Watson both dropped in at Stock on Sunday for a bite (for lunch and dinner, respectively), while Dustin Hoffman made time during a busy day (Quartet, his directorial debut, premiered yesterday) to enjoy a drink at Suits. Despite the tower’s draw, it looks like Trump is being outdone by Toronto’s Charles Khabouth. Joaquin Phoenix, Ewan McGregor, Harvey Weinstein and members of Arcade Fire have all been spotted at La Société, while private parties at soon-to-be-open Patria and Storys have pulled in Kristen Stewart, Colin Farrell and Rachel McAdams.

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